
Azure ML workspace

The workspace is the top-level resource for Azure Machine Learning service, providing a centralized place to work with all the artifacts you create when you use Azure Machine Learning service. The workspace keeps a history of all training runs, including logs, metrics, output, and a snapshot of your scripts. You use this information to determine which training run produces the best model.

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Service principal

To access resources that are secured by an Azure AD tenant, the entity that requires access must be represented by a security principal. This is true for both users (user principal) and applications (service principal).

The security principal defines the access policy and permissions for the user/application in the Azure AD (Azure Aztive Directory) tenant. This enables core features such as authentication of the user/application during sign-in, and authorization during resource access.

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Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is how you manage access to Azure resources. Basically it is how permissions are assigned to a specific resource.

They consist of a security principal, role definition, and scope.

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